Landucci-Vicariotto Legal Office is specialised in Civil Law, particularly in the domains of industrial and road accidents, compensation of damages to the person and protection of consumer rights, especially with regard to the fields of banking and insurance.
Moreover, the Legal Office offers consultancy concerning condominial/joint ownership issues and subjects related to a lease. Consultancy is also provided in the fields of labour/industrial law and family law by means of frequent interactions with specialists in the subject.
Mr Landucci and Mrs Vicariotto assure a good relationship with the client and an efficient and personalised response to the problems faced.
The Legal Office is enriched by multi media databases (Italian codes and regulations, European Law, Environmental Law, regulations related to car Insurance, Criminal and Civil Verdicts by the Supreme Court) particularly important for an effective analysis of the dossiers.
Mr Landucci and Mrs Vicariotto operate in Bologna, Modena, Maranello and over the whole territory of Emilia-Romagna and Italy.
Via Marconi, 126
40033 Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna) - Italy
Phone (+39) 051.570166 - Fax (+39) 051.6130076
Lawyer Marco Landucci:
Lawyer Elisa Vicariotto:
Nota: non si acconsente ad alcun impiego (salvo l'uso personale) del materiale contenuto in questa pagina senza l'approvazione scritta, esplicita ed
olografa dell'Avvocato Vicariotto o dell'Avvocato Landucci.
Nel caso contattiate lo Studio legale Landucci-Vicariotto, tutti gli eventuali dati personali saranno trattati in completa ottemperanza
al Decreto legislativo 196/2003 sul trattamento dei dati personali.